Capital, Housing and Public Works.
The Capital and Public Works Department administers the day-to-day operations of Sumas First Nation’s Public Works services and construction of community based projects.
Presently, Capital Works is taking care of the Multiplex construction, which is stated for completion in Mid 2023, as also remediation of the brick plant.
Capital Works has also undertaken initiatives to upgrade our roads, stormwater and wastewater system, proposals for which have been sent for approval to Indigenous Services Canada.
Public Works
Public works manages the regular maintenance and upkeep of our water, wastewater systems and fire hydrants, as well as repair and maintenance of community and administrative buildings.
Public Works also manages garbage collection on reserve and provides bulk bins in spring and fall for house clean up.
Garbage Collection days for on reserve members: Thursday.
Public Works is also responsible for maintenance parks on reserve and soccer field.
Any requirements concerning Public Works can be addressed in an email to Joe Silver at
Department of Housing
Our goal is to assist members in securing safe, affordable, sustainable housing now and for future generations.
The objectives of the Social Housing Program are to fulfill its commitment to provide better living conditions for the Members of Semá:th Nation, while operating in accordance with clear business principles and remaining fiscally responsible and accountable to its membership.
Presently there are 7 members who are constructing houses on the Reserve as also 6 Band Owned Rental units are under construction, with occupancy stated to be before the end of 2021.
This Program is Based on the Following Principles
That Membership is provided assistance in the provision of their basic rental housing needs on reserve.
That continuous effort is made to achieve steady improvements in the quality of living on Reserve.
That the Semá:th Nation housing program be administered in a cost-effective, service-oriented and accountable manner.
That the Band Membership, Council, and Housing Administrator will abide by the Housing Policy Manual.
That all members be treated in a fair and equal manner in the distribution of both Residences and Lots.
That the members who rent or lease a house from the Band have a responsibility to abide by this Housing Policy Manual.
That the administrative infrastructure be separated from the political governance of the Semá:th Nation.
Renovation Program
Housing Department is now completing the 16 unit renovations from the year 2019-2020 and that was put on hold last year due to Covid.
Inspections for another 20 renovations is being undertaken at present, these renovations would become part of 2021-2022 renovations.
The ECAP program has also restarted with houses being inspected for attic insulations, bathroom fans and new furnace installations from 2019. This program is ongoing.
For all housing needs and assistance with maintenance requirements, please reach out to
Nancy Murphy – Housing Manager at
Paula Olmstead – Housing Assistant at

Plan Your Future
Your Education
Sumas administers funding from the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) to assist with the cost of post-secondary studies for status member students
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Our goal is to assist members in securing safe, affordable, sustainable housing now and for future generations of the Sumas First Nation people.
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