Chief Dalton Silver.

Lead Portfolio: Aboriginal Rights & Title, Fisheries, Forestry, Mining, Taxation, Economic Development (Shared), Environment (Shared), Intergovernmental Relations (Shared)

Support Portfolio: Administration & Finance, Culture, Lands

Elected Chief: 2022, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004

Elected Councillor: 2001, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1992

Semá:th Declaration.

Sumas First Nation signed a Declaration in June 2017. This Declaration outlines how the Semá:th has been operating from a Chief and Council to Administration level from time immemorial. While affirming our spiritual beliefs, our languages, and our cultural ways to protect the land, water, and air within our Territory, we affirm that we’ve never reached any agreement or treaty with the Government of Canada and British Columbia concerning the occupation, settlement, or jurisdiction over our land. This includes but is not limited to where we are located, and that we have been here since time immemorial, as we continue to exercise our rights and fulfill our responsibilities and given to us by the Creator. This is affirmed within our Mission, Vision, and Values.

Download Declaration


The Sumas First Nation has four (4) elected officials who lead and support portfolio assignments. Chief and Council have three (3)-year terms, the next Election is in 2025.

We are honoured to be elected and serve as the Sumas Government and recognize our responsibility to “provide strong leadership, guidance, and support for the greater good of our nation,” as our Mission states.

We strive to align Sumas First Nation Governance with the social, cultural, political, economic, and ecological goals we have set as a community. We pursue business opportunities on our lands and within the region to generate wealth and prosperity for our people, but we balance growth with preserving Sumas values, culture, and territory.

SFN Election Code Handbook
Amended SFN Election Handbook and Reference 2017
Amended SFN Election Handbook and Reference 2025

2025 Election Information

Notice of Nomination Meeting
Nomination Form
Candidate Nomination Package

Troy Ganzeveld

Troy Ganzeveld

Lead Portfolio: Emergency Management, Child & Families, Lands, Economic Development (Shared), Environment (Shared), Intergovernmental Relations (Shared)

Support Portfolio: Education, Fisheries, Health, Mining, Public Works/Housing

Elected Councillor: 2022

Clint Tuttle

Clint Tuttle

Lead Portfolio: Administration & Finance, Membership & Elections, Public Works/Housing, Economic Development (Shared), Environment (Shared), Intergovernmental Relations (Shared)

Support Portfolio: Emergency Management, Elders, Social Development, Taxation, Youth

Elected Councillor: 2022, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007

Chris Silver

Chris Silver

Lead Portfolio: Education, Culture, Elders, Health, Membership & Elections, Social Development, Youth, Economic Development (Shared), Environment (Shared), Intergovernmental Relations (Shared)

Support Portfolio: Administration & Finance, Aboriginal Rights & Title, Child & Families, Forestry

Elected Councillor: 2022, 2019

Plan Your Future

Your Education

Sumas administers funding from the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)  to assist with the cost of post-secondary studies for status member students

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Your Home

Our goal is to assist members in securing safe, affordable, sustainable housing now and for future generations of the Sumas First Nation people.

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