In May 2024, First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) was target of a partially successful cyber attack. The purpose of this notice is to inform individual – primarily First Nations peoples and their non-First Nations immediate family members living on reserve or in First Nations communities in British Columbia – that this cyber attack impacted many people’s personal information.

Please see the below notice for more information on how Sumas First Nation members may have been impacted, resources for potentially impacted members, and contact info.

FNHA Resources:

FNHA Initial News Release: Notice of Cybersecurity Incident and Data Breach Update
FNHA Cybersecurity Incident Q&A
Check if your Status Number has been impacted

For assistance and additional resources for Sumas First Nation members, please contact:

Brian Jones, Sumas First Nation General Manager
(604) 741-2041

Need Help?

We are here to help. If you are having trouble finding the information you are looking for, please check out the resources on the right.
If you still need assistance, feel free to contact us.
